List Of Top 10 Best Programming Language To Learn In 2022

Top 10 Best Programming Language to Learn in 2024 – [Latest]

Hey Folks, Are you interested in making a career in computer programming languages? On the contrary, you are totally perplexed about which is the best programming language to learn?

Don’t fret too much, we have compiled a curated list of the best programming language to learn in 2022 to help you make the right decision for your career according to your interest and choice.

So, delve in deeper for more insights!!!

As you are well aware of the fact that learning computer coding languages has become one of the most crucial skills to master in today’s high-paced Digitalized landscape considering technological advancements.

But with so many coding languages popping out every other day how do you decide which is the best programming language you should learn to upscale your skills in 2022?

According to Wikipedia, there are around 700 computer programming languages which makes it an extremely challenging task to pick and choose the best programming language best suited to your requirements.

To add to the already overwhelming confusion, new and improved programming languages are added to the list with each coming year. So, how do you decide which computer programming language is best for you to learn?

Software programming is a profitable career path. According to the poll, programming positions are anticipated to increase by 21% by 2028.

But before we proceed, let’s first check out what exactly is a computer Programming or coding language?

Table of Contents

What is A Programming Language?

A programming language is a method of communication consisting of a set of rules defined by humans to instruct computers to do desirable actions. 

It is a collection of rules that translates texts, or in the case of visual programming languages, graphical program components, to different types of machine code output. 

It is a type of computer language that is used to implement algorithms in computer programming. These languages employ utilizing specialized coding syntax to develop programs to do certain tasks.

Most programming languages are made up of computer instructions. There are programmable devices that employ a set of particular instructions rather than broad programming languages.

There are several new programming languages and frameworks emerging widely catering to different types of developers from beginners, intermediate, and specialists with a variety of uses like web applications, mobile applications, game development, and so on making coding languages a need of the hour.

So, let’s learn in detail about the types of coding languages and the best programming language to learn in 2022.

Types of Coding Languages

There are various programming languages, each with its own collection of keywords and syntaxes for creating instructions. Programming languages are broadly divided into two groups based on their level of abstraction:

  • Low-level coding language
  • High-level coding language

Low-level coding languages

These provide hardware abstraction and are expressed in binary form, i.e., 0 or 1, which are machine instructions. Low-level languages are further subdivided into machine-level and assembly-level languages.

High-level coding language

A high-level coding language allows one to develop programs that are not reliant on the type of computer. These are so termed because they are more similar to human language and may be easily understood yet, they demand attention to the logic of the situation. A compiler is required to transform a high-level language into a low-level one. Furthermore, high-level languages have many advantages.

It is highly significant and useful to know about the coding languages and understand which programming language is best to learn for brighter future prospects. Based on the number of job ads on the job search site Indeed, the average yearly compensation for those jobs, and variables such as simplicity of use and potential for development, these are the top 10 programming languages for 2022.

We have compiled a list of the top 10 programming languages after taking into account futuristic career perspectives, future expectations, company objectives, and the characteristics of various programming languages to find out the best programming language to learn in 2022.

So, let’s get the ball moving and get started with the curated coding languages list to clear up the confusion for deciding the best programming language to learn.

Top 10 Best Programming Language to Learn in 2022

  1. Python
  2. Java
  3. Java Script
  4. PHP
  5. Kotlin
  6. C++
  7. C#
  8. R
  9. Go
  10. Swift

Now let us learn in detail about each coding language that you cannot miss learning.

1. Python- Best Programming Language for Beginners

Python is considered the best programming language and is deemed the future of coding languages. Considering its ease to learn pertaining to simple syntax with a large library of toolkits coupled with easy integration with other popular coding languages such as C and C++, makes Python the best programming language to learn.

Around 80% of web developers use Python as the main programming language for their projects and is utilized for the development of 2D imaging and 3D animation applications such as Blender, Inkscape, and Autodesk. It’s also been utilized in popular video games including Civilization IV, Vegas Trike, and Toontown.

Python is also utilized by famous websites such as YouTube, Quora, Pinterest, and Instagram as well as for scientific and computational programs such as FreeCAD and Abacus thus making Python one of the top programming languages to learn.

For beginners, Python is the best programming language as starting place. If you want to learn one of the more approachable and popular coding languages, Python is a great place to start. Many firms employ Python as their primary backend stack, which creates a plethora of chances for full-stack Python engineers.

If you want to work in data science or artificial intelligence, you will almost probably need to learn Python. It is also applicable in other disciplines, such as web development, and is considered the best programming language for web development. 

Python also includes packages such as NumPy and SciPy, which are mostly used in scientific computing, engineering, and mathematics.

Python is an ideal choice for beginners pertaining to its versatility and ease of use. It is the most popular coding language to learn land is considered the king of programming languages. As a result, learning this best programming language in 2022 guarantees you success and progress in your career.

Python Programming Applications

Here are a few examples of popular Python domains:

  • Python provides a plethora of strong web frameworks, such as Django, Flask, and Pyramid, that aid in the development of online applications.
  • It can also be used to create graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for desktop computers. There are several libraries and toolkits available for this purpose, including Tk, Kivy, and Pyqt.
  • This coding language is well-known for its applications in scientific and numerical data science and artificial intelligence (AI). For such applications, Python contains libraries that are very useful.
  • Python may be used to create console-based apps, just like other high-level programming languages.
  • It can also be used in software development to provide control and management tests.
  • We can even create multimedia apps using Python.
  • It is very simple to learn, code, and apply.
  • Versatile, easy to learn, read, and write
  • It is simple to create and use classes and objects because of OOP features.
  • Extensive library and frameworks support with an emphasis on code readability.
  • Ideal for prototyping and testing ideas quickly.
  • Open-source software with an ever-expanding network of supporters.
  • Supports a wide range of platforms and systems.
  • GUI assistance is provided.
  • Included Java and C equivalents such as CPython, Jython, and others.
  • Easily Portable
  • Extreme Community Support
  • Not appropriate for mobile computing.
  • Because it is an interpreted programming language, it is slower.
  • The database access layer is still in its infancy.
  • Threading is not recommended due to GIL (Global Interpreter Lock)

Difficulty Level: It is simple to learn. One of the most suitable programming languages for newcomers.

Platform: Web, Desktop

Average Salary: Python engineers make over $72,500 per year on average.

Top Companies using it: Intel, IBM, Google, NASA, Pixar, Netflix, Facebook, Spotify are the major organizations where Python is utilized.

Job Opportunities: 

  • Data Science
  • Data Analytics
  • Artificial Intelligence (Machine Learning and Deep Learning)
  • Web Development
  • Enterprise Application Development

2. Java- Most secure Coding Language

Java is an object-oriented programming language and the best programming language to learn 2022 that has influenced several other well-known computer languages. It is one of the most secure and portable programming languages. It is owned by Oracle Corporation and has become a standard for programs because of its distinctive characteristic of (WORA) Write Once Run Anywhere.

It is a platform-independent programming language thanks to the JVM (Java Virtual Machine). Many great languages have emerged, but Java still has a long way to go. The Java developer community is one of the largest in the world thus making it the best programming language to learn in 2022.

Java is a general-purpose programming language with an object-oriented structure that can be utilized independently of the platform (e.g. Mac, Windows, Android, iOS, etc.). As a result, Java has earned a reputation for portability across platforms ranging from mainframe data centers to smartphones making it one among the top programming languages 2022.

Java is also commonly utilized in Android mobile app development as well as in big data analytics. Java is also utilized on the backend of some well-known websites, including Google, Amazon, Twitter, and YouTube. It’s also widely employed in a variety of other applications. Spring, Struts, and Hibernate are some of the most popular new Java frameworks.

Java is very commonly utilized in the development of Android apps. Because there are billions of Android users, almost every business nowadays needs an Android application. Given that Google has established an amazing Java-based Android development platform called Android Studio which also helps in providing fantastic prospects for Java developers. There are currently over 3 billion devices running on Java-based applications.

Java is comparatively a difficult coding language to master, yet experienced Java developers are in high demand.

Java Applications

  • Java is mostly utilized to create mobile applications and software.
  • Java is mostly known for its ability to create apps or software.
  • In addition to mobile development, Java is commonly used to create graphical user interface (GUI) desktop apps.
  • Java is also great for developing cloud-based apps, where security is a big concern, due to its resilience and security.
  • Java is one of the few computer languages that can also be used to create web apps.
  • Many gaming businesses utilize it as their primary programming language to develop high-quality games.
  • High-level, class-based, object-oriented programming language
  • Availability of several open-source libraries.
  • Highly robust and secure owing to the absence of explicit pointers and the presence of security.
  • The OOP paradigm is used for automatic memory allocation and garbage collection.
  • The JVM capability allows for a high level of platform freedom.
  • Provides a plethora of APIs for doing various activities such as database connection, networking, utilities, and XML parsing.
  • It has a stack allocation system.
  • It is a computer platform for application development.
  • It is interpreted, threaded, and dynamic.
  • Ideally suited for distributed computing
  • It is case-sensitive.
  • Multithreading is supported.
  • The lack of templates inhibits the ability to create high-quality data structures.
  • Slower than programming languages that are natively compiled, such as C and C++
  • Memory management is expensive.

Difficulty Level: Easy to moderate

Platform: Web, Desktop, Mobile

Average Salary: A Java developer earns roughly $79,000 on average.

Top Companies using it:  Amazon, YouTube, Google, and Twitter.

Job Opportunities: 

  • Enterprise Application Development
  • Android App Development
  • Web Development
  • Big Data

3. Java Script

Javascript is the most widely used and one of the top programming languages in the world. It is a high-level programming language that is one of the World Wide Web’s foundational technologies. It is utilized by 97.6 percent of all websites as a client-side programming language. Originally used to construct web browsers, JavaScript is now utilized for server-side website deployments as well as non-web browser applications.

Javascript, formerly known as LiveScript, was developed in 1995. However, because Java was a prominent programming language at the time, it was marketed as Java’s “younger brother.” JavaScript grew into a completely self-contained language over time. Although there are some parallels between the two languages, they are not interchangeable and are in great demand among a wide range of enterprises.

Although JavaScript was originally designed for front-end programming, it can now be used for back-end development as well, thanks to the introduction of NodeJS.

Front-end development requires JavaScript, in addition to HTML and CSS. Popular platforms such as Facebook, Gmail, Twitter, and YouTube employ JavaScript to create dynamic front-ends for their users. Angular, React, and Vue is three well-known JavaScript frameworks. JavaScript has a simple syntax and is compatible with all major web browsers.

Applications of JavaScript Program

  • JavaScript’s primary function is to give functionality to web pages. This improves the interaction and responsiveness of a website by making it more responsive and dynamic.
  • We may construct server-side apps using Node.js, a JS runtime environment.
  • Used to develop web apps using JavaScript libraries.
  • For developing mobile web apps.
  • For game production, several game development entities, such as Unity, employ using JavaScript.
  • JavaScript apps are also used on smartwatches.
  • High speed as there is no compilation required, it runs directly within the web browser.
  • Serves as the “web programming language”
  • Since it is client-side, it reduces the burden on website servers.
  • The ECMA standard is updated on a regular basis.
  • Simple installation and outstanding community support.
  • Used in the development of a wide range of applications.
  • Extremely adaptable
  • Several add-ons, such as Greasemonkey, are available to increase functionality.
  • It performs admirably with various programming languages.
  • Rich interface
  • Absence of a copy or equally comparable technique.
  • Since the code operates on the user’s PC, many individuals prefer to deactivate JavaScript for fear of being abused for harmful purposes.
  • Allows for just one inheritance
  • Different browsers may read it differently.

Difficulty Level: Beginner to Intermediate

Platform: Cross-platform (desktop, mobile, web)

Average Salary:  Every year, the average Java developer makes roughly $111,660.

Top Companies using it:  IBM, Dell, Accenture, Infosys.

Job Opportunities: 

  • Web Development
  • Mobile App Development
  • Backend Development
  • Serverless Computing
  • Browser Game Development

4. PHP- Best Programming Language for Back-end 

PHP is one of the most widely used backend programming languages. It is an open-source programming language that was developed in 1990. Many web developers find it necessary to learn PHP because it is used to construct more than 80% of websites on the Internet, including Facebook and Yahoo.

Despite the fact that PHP faces stiff competition from Python and JavaScript, the industry still requires a big number of PHP developers. Those who want to work as a backend developer for a well-established company should look into PHP programming and thus will be the most used and best programming language in 2022.

It was one of the first server-side languages to be integrated with HTML in order to give functionality to online sites. PHP developers are in great demand due to the growing internet trend. Some of the amazing characteristics are that it is very fast and simple to learn and is extremely secure in order to prevent threats.

Moreover, PHP powers some of the world’s most popular websites including Facebook, Yahoo, and Wikipedia. Hence, it won’t be an exaggeration to call PHP the best programming language.

Applications of PHP

  • Web Pages and Web-Enabled Applications
  • Web Content Management Systems (WCMS)
  • eCommerce Applications
  • Graphic Design and Image Processing
  • Representation of Data
  • Extremely adaptable
  • Faster website loading time
  • Cost-effective
  • Excellent synergy to HTML
  • A plethora of strong frameworks is available.
  • Massive community backing and a massive ecology.
  • Xdebug offers first-rate debugging.
  • There are a plethora of automation technologies available for testing and deploying apps.
  • There is no dearth of good deployment and testing automation tools.
  • It supports object-oriented and functional programming paradigms.
  • Making web pages is simple with PHP.
  • When compared to alternative solutions, developing websites entirely in PHP takes longer.
  • Inadequate security.
  • Requires extensions.
  • Poor error handling.

Difficulty Level: Beginner to intermediate

Platform: Web, Desktop

Average Salary: PHP programmers make an annual salary of around $81,500 on average.

Top Companies using it: Wikipedia, Facebook, Yahoo, and IBM

Job Opportunities:

  • Careers in Web Development
  • Careers in App Development
  • Development of desktop applications.
  • Compiler Based Applications.
  • Server-side Scripting
  • Command-line Scripting

You Might Also find it interesting to read about “Top 5 PHP Frameworks For Web Application Development

5. Kotlin-Best Coding Language for Android App Development

Kotlin is an open-source programming language and one of the top coding languages to learn in 2022. It is a statically typed language that runs on the JVM and is interoperable with Java.

It is a cross-platform programming language used to create applications. Over 60% of Android developers utilize it. On various well-known indexes, Kotlin is ranked fourth among the fastest-growing programming languages. Kotlin has the following notable features such as structured concurrency and condensed code, security enhancements, and faster speed.

It is compatible with Android Studio 3, which is one of the primary reasons for its broad popularity
JetBrains created and released Project Kotlin, a general-purpose programming language. It supports functional programming languages and is also compatible with Java.

Kotlin is widely utilized in the creation of Android apps, web apps, desktop apps, and server-side applications. Kotlin was designed to be superior to Java, and users are persuaded. Kotlin underpins the vast majority of Google apps.

Kotlin is considered the best choice for individuals who do not wish to create Android apps in Java. It will soon be among the most widely used languages, since it is already utilized by major productions such as Netflix, Pinterest, and Amazon Web Services. If things continue at their current pace, Kotlin will soon be the next Java substitute. As a result, now is the time to start learning Kotlin

So, if you want to start a career in Android app development in 2022, studying Kotlin is the best option.

Kotlin Programming Applications

  • Kotlin is mostly used to create Android applications.
  • If you are not very fond of Java, you should learn Kotlin to create Android apps.
  • Many prominent web apps are written in Kotlin like Pinterest, Coursera, Evernote, and Trello.
  • Allows you to write less code.
  • There is no runtime head.
  • Java compatibility
  • It is appropriate for multi-platform development.
  • Fluctuations in Compilation
  • Limited learning resources
  • Distinct from Java

Difficulty Level: Intermediate to advanced

Platform: Web, Desktop, Web, Mobile, Server

Average Salary: Kotlin developers make an annual salary of $136,000, with the potential to earn up to $171,500.

Top Companies using it: Amazon, Pinterest, Uber, Trello, Coursera,  and PostMates are just a few examples of organizations that use Kotlin as a popular coding language.

Job Opportunities: 

  • Android App Development
  • Android Smartwatch App Development

6. C++ Most Efficient & Versatile Coding Language 

C++ is the world’s most popular and best programming language and is a component of Microsoft’s .NET framework for developing Windows applications. It is essentially a C-like language with OOPs characteristics. C++ is considered the best programming language pertaining to its versatility and efficiency.

C++ applications are best shown by Google Chrome and Microsoft Windows. If you want to work in object-oriented programming, you should learn C++. The popular programming language is used to create desktop applications, GUI applications, 3D games, and real-time mathematical answers.

It is also extensively utilized by competitive programmers since it is incredibly quick and reliable. It also has STL – Standard Template Library which is a collection of ready-to-use libraries for various data structures, arithmetic operations, and algorithms.

C++ also has library support and speed making it a popular choice in the high-frequency trading sector as the best coding language.


  • It is mostly utilized in the development of desktop apps and video games.
  • C++ is also used in the development of Adobe and MySQL.
  • It is closely related to low-level programming languages, making it compatible with system hardware.
  • C++ is the foundation of several high-level programming languages.
  • Also used in the operating systems of smart devices such as smartwatches.
  • [C++] is the preferred programming language for developing multi-device, multi-platform apps.
  • It serves as a foundation for learning more advanced programming languages.
  • Faster than most programming languages in terms of program execution.
  • A procedure-oriented programming language featuring a collection of function modules and blocks that facilitates software debugging, testing, and maintenance.
  • A wide range of application areas is supported, including games, graphical user interface applications, and real-time mathematical simulations.
  • Support for exception handling and function overloading
  • Provides a high degree of portability.
  • Contains a large function library
  • Complex Syntax
  • Less adaptable as it is dependent on Microsoft’s. Net framework.
  • Buffer overflow and memory corruption problems.
  • No trash collection or dynamic memory allocation.
  • There is no run-time checking
  • Less efficient object-oriented system.
  • Awful x-platform graphical user interface (GUI)

Difficulty Level: Beginner to Intermediate

Platform: Mobile and Enterprise software Apps

Average Salary: C++ developer’s annual pay might range from $41k to $108k.

Top Companies using it: Microsoft, Google Chrome

Job Opportunities: 

  • System Programming
  • For Developing games
  • Machine Learning and Deep Learning
  • Embedded Systems and Distributed Systems
  • IoT and Real-Time Systems

7. [C#] Best Programming Language for Microsoft Platforms

C#, which is pronounced C Sharp, is an object-oriented, general-purpose coding language based on C. C# is the programming language for Microsoft platforms.

C# also features a syntax similar to other C-derived languages, such as C++, making it simple to learn if you are already familiar with the C family, and is thus among the list of top coding languages to learn in 2022.

C# is also utilized to create cross-platform mobile applications on Xamarin. You can develop long apps in only a few lines of C# and then deploy them to both the primary mobile platforms, iOS and Android, at the same time.

It is useful for creating desktop programs and games. According to the report, C# is used in 34% of the top mobile games. It is a well-designed language that is in great demand all across the world.

If you are passionate about virtual reality and want to work in this industry, you must learn C#. The amazing thing about C# is that it allows you to create any application you desire, ranging from complicated APIs to desktop apps.

C# is easy to learn and comprehend and is entirely compatible with.NET libraries. It is a useful language for system administration having the features of both C and C++.

It is utilized on the back end of several well-known websites, including Bing, Dell, Visual Studio, and MarketWatch. Microsoft, Stack Overflow, Accenture, and Alibaba Travels are also among the top organizations making use of C#.

So learning C# can prove to be a wise choice as the best coding language in the industry and is an excellent career option for 2022.

Applications of C#

  • Windows client applications
  • Web services and Web API
  • Windows libraries and components
  • Web applications & Windows services
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning
  • Backend databases using ML/Data tools
  • Backend services
  • Azure cloud applications and services
  • Blockchains and distributed ledger technologies, including cryptocurrency
  • Interoperability software such as Office, SharePoint, SQL Server, and so on.
  • Modern and Simple
  • Cross-Platform Interoperability
  • Adaptable and upgradable
  • Object-oriented, component-oriented programming language.
  • Working knowledge of common codebases
  • Because pointer types are not permitted, it is far safer than C and C++.
  • The syntax is comparable to that of the C programming language.
  • Completely compatible with the .NET library
  • Scalable and updateable automatically. Perfect for all forms of Windows programming.
  • A wide range of library functions and data types are available.
  • Speedy compilation and execution
  • Pointers are permitted in ‘unsafe’ blocks.
  • Almost all variables are references, and memory deallocation is handled automatically by a garbage collector.
  • Error correction requires a high level of experience and understanding.
  • It takes a longer time to learn.
  • It is less flexible than C++.

Difficulty Level: Intermediate

Platform: Cross-platform software applications, including mobile and business software.

Average Salary: C# developers may expect to make roughly $68,500 per year.

Top Companies using it: Dell, Microsoft, Bing, Visual Studio, Alibaba Travels, and MarketWatch.

Job Opportunities: 

  • Software Development for Windows
  • Server-side Programming
  • Web Development
  • App Development
  • Game Development

8. R- Best Programming Language for Data Analytics and Machine Learning

R is yet another open-source language that is essentially a variant of the S programming language and is among the best coding languages to learn in 2022.

It is one of the most widely used programming languages for data analysis and machine learning and is mostly used for ad hoc research and exploring huge datasets. R has a great framework and built-in libraries for developing sophisticated machine learning algorithms. It is also employed in generic statistical computation. R is frequently used in business.

R-based applications are used to handle statistics, such as linear and nonlinear modeling, computation, testing, visualization, and analysis. R-coded applications may interact with a variety of databases and process both structured and unstructured data.

It is also compatible with LaTex, a Scientific Document Typesetting application used to prepare documents. You can combine R code with a LaTex document to produce your own professional documentation for open-source programs. The document made using R and LaTex represents code documentation and data visualization for open-source projects in a more accurate, clear, and efficient manner.

R has a moderate learning curve and is not as simple to learn as some of the other languages discussed in this article. R, like other open-source programming languages, has an active online developer community, which is always a positive when acquiring new coding abilities.

Those who are interested in data analytics and Machine Learning can consider studying R as the top coding language for their better career prospects and growth.

Applications of R

  • R is used for machine learning projects by several tech heavyweights, including Mozilla, Microsoft, and Foursquare.
  • R is used by Facebook to forecast coworker interactions and to update its social network graph.
  • Amazon improves its cross-product suggestions by utilizing R and its data analytics capabilities.
  • Most suitable for statistical computation and analysis.
  • Machine Learning operations.
  • High-quality plotting and Graphing
  • Ability to run seamlessly on various operations systems
  • Being open-source and free grants the ability to make tweaks as required
  • Provides more than 10,000 arrays of Packages.
  • Highly extensible.
  • It lacks security features.
  • Poor memory management.
  • There are no rigid programming rules.
  • Some packages are of poor quality.

Difficulty Level: Intermediate

Platform:  Maily for Desktops

Average Salary: R developers make a yearly salary of almost $91,000 on average.

Top Companies using it: FaceBook, Mozilla, Microsoft

Job Opportunities: 

R is more popular than Python in the domains of data science and machine learning, and it is the only language capable of replacing Python in the data science sector. Many firms that recruit data scientists and machine learning engineers hunt for developers who are familiar with R since a data scientist should be fluent in at least two programming languages.

9. Go

Go, often known as Golang was created by Google in 2007 as an API and web application programming language. Due to its simplicity, as well as its ability to handle multicore and networked systems and enormous codebases, Go has lately become one of the fastest-growing programming languages and also among the best coding languages to be learned in 2022.

It was designed to satisfy the demands of large-scale project programmers. Because of its clear and contemporary structure and syntactic familiarity, it has acquired favor among many big IT organizations. Google, Uber, Twitch, and Dropbox are just a few examples of companies that use Go as a programming language. Because of its agility and performance, Go is becoming increasingly popular among data scientists.

It is easier to write than Python yet more efficient than C++.  Go was developed by Google and is capable of handling even the most difficult computing challenges.

Go is a more advanced and modern version of C, with features such as compiled language, statically typed, garbage collection, structural typing, and CSP-style parallelism. Go is used to power Kubernetes and the Ethereum Cryptozoic Project.

It is a new programming language with many appealing characteristics that makes it an appealing choice for your next open-source project and the best programming language to master in 2022 for upscaling your career growth.


  • Google employed by Google to improve cloud architecture on its cloud platforms.
  • YouTube, SoundCloud, and Netflix also employ Go to lessen the high load of media performance.
  • Several well-known cloud computing services like Dropbox, Terraform, Docker and Kubernetes also make use of Go.
  • It is more secure because it is a statically typed language.
  • A comprehensive standard library that includes a variety of built-in functions for working with basic types.
  • Ideal for the construction of SPAs (single-page applications)
  • It facilitates Artificial Intelligence and data science processes.
  • Ingenious documentation
  • Cleaner syntax facilitates learning.
  • It is extremely quick.
  • The absence of a virtual machine reduces the efficiency of sophisticated programs.
  • Lacks adaptability
  • There is no GUI library.
  • Implicit interfaces
    Support for underserved libraries

Difficulty Level: Easy to Moderate

Platform: Mainly Desktop

Average Salary: Go engineers may make up to $134,000 per year on average.

Top Companies using it: YouTube, Google, SoundCloud, and Netflix

Job Opportunities: 

  • System Programming
  • Serverless Computing
  • Cloud-native Development
  • Business Applications
  • IoT

10. Swift- Best Programming Language for iOS Apps

Swift is another top programming language developed by Apple and is used for creating iOS apps. It is an open-source programming language that is simple to learn and supports practically everything from the Objective-C programming language.

It is one of the best programming languages that require fewer coding abilities than any other programming language and is utilized with IBM Swift Sandbox and IBM Bluemix.

Of late, iOS-powered gadgets are gaining popularity. The Apple iPhone has taken a sizable portion of the mobile industry and is posing a serious threat to Android. Swift is used for developing apps for iOS, watchOS, macOS, and other platforms and has the potential to be the future of high-performance, secure applications.

Swift is quickly expanding, and according to GitHub, it is the 13th most used programming language. As the breadth of iOS apps expands, so does the number of Swift developers.

Swift is utilized in a variety of prominent iOS apps, including WordPress, Mozilla Firefox, SoundCloud, and even the game Flappy Bird. Swift is an easy-to-learn and expressive programming language that allows even beginners to create sophisticated and versatile programs thus is the best programming language promising better career growth.

Apple iPhone remains in a top position among smartphones, so the career growth by choosing Swift for the future will also be high and if you want to work on iOS, you must consider learning Swift.


It is only compatible with Apple systems like iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS. Swift is used if an application or game cannot be created in Objective-C.

  • Apple’s backing
  • Better scalability enables more easily adding functionality to the product and/or bringing in new developers.
  • Memory leaks are avoided by using automatic memory management.
  • Encourages developers to produce clean, understandable code.
  • Used for both frontend and backend development.
  • It is extremely quick when compared to other popular programming languages like Objective-C and Python.
  •  Simple to include new features.
  • Interoperable with Objective-C
  • Better code sharing
  • Limited community support and resources.
  • Can only be used in the development of iOS
  • Quite unstable

Difficulty Level: Beginner to intermediate

Platform: Mobile, Desktop

Average Salary: iOS application developers earn an annual salary of roughly $96,000 on average.

Top Companies using it: Apple for developing iOS apps. Also utilized in WordPress, Mozilla, and Firefox.

Job Opportunities: 

  • iOS App Development
  • System Programming
  • Client-side Development
  • IoT

Wrapping Up

So, which is the best programming language to learn in 2022?

Well, the decision on the best programming language to learn will be greatly influenced by your professional goals and objectives. Although you will find that Python, Java and PHP programmers are always in demand by any website development company in Jaipur or anywhere around the globe.

You can consider this list of the top 10 best programming languages carefully before making a final decision before embarking on a career in programming. These Programming Languages provide several options for career advancement and development for a luminous future.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs’)

What is a Programming Language?

A programming language is a method of communication consisting of a set of rules defined by humans to instruct computers to do desirable actions. It is a type of computer language that is used to implement algorithms in computer programming. These languages utilize specialized coding syntax to develop programs to do certain tasks.

What are different types of coding languages?

There are basically 2 types of coding language used widely for computer programming based on their level of abstraction and are:

  • Low-level coding language

These provide hardware abstraction and are expressed in binary form, i.e., 0 or 1, which are machine instructions. Low-level languages are further subdivided into machine-level and assembly-level languages.

  • High-level coding language

A high-level coding language allows one to develop programs that are not reliant on the type of computer. These are so termed because they are more similar to human language and may be easily understood yet, they demand attention to the logic of the situation. A compiler is required to transform a high-level language into a low-level one.

What are the top 10 programming languages to learn in 2022?

The top programming languages to learn and upgrade your skills for 2022 are as follows:

  1. Python
  2. Java
  3. Java Script
  4. PHP
  5. Kotlin
  6. C++
  7. C#
  8. R
  9. Go
  10. Swift

Which is the best programming language for the future?

Python is considered the best programming language and is deemed the future of coding languages thus if you are considering learning a coding language from the future perspective helping you towards career growth, then you must master Python as the best programming language.

Which coding language is best for Data Analytics and Machine Learning?

Programming language R is considered the best from the perspective of Data Analytics and Machine Learning. If you are interested in making a career in this field, then learning this top computer programming language is considered a must.

Which is the best coding language for Android App development?

Kotlin is widely utilized for developing Android Apps. Over 60% of Android developers utilize it to create apps on android phones. Java, C++, C#, and Python are some other popular computer coding languages used extensively for Android app development.

Which is the best computer programming language for the backend? 

PHP is one of the most widely used backend programming languages. It is an open-source programming language that was developed in 1990. Many web developers find it necessary to learn PHP because it is used to construct more than 80% of websites on the Internet, including Facebook and Yahoo.

Which is the best programming language for web development?

The top computer programming language for web development are as follows:

  • Python
  • Java 
  • Java Script
  • PHP
  • Go

Which coding language is widely used for the development of iOS Apps?

The computer programming language Swift was developed by Apple for extensively creating iOS apps. Swift is used for developing apps for iOS, watchOS, macOS, and other platforms and has the potential to be the future of high-performance, secure applications.

It is an open-source programming language that is simple to learn and supports practically everything from the Objective-C programming language.

It is one of the best programming languages that require fewer coding abilities than any other programming language and is utilized with IBM Swift Sandbox and IBM Bluemix.

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